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Ghostwriting and Editing

Writing and publishing a book is the ultimate door opener to career and business opportunities.


Whether it's a business book you don't have time to write, or a memoir for family legacy, I help bring your nascent story to fruition.


What is ghostwriting?

Ghostwriting is where a professional writer develops the text on your behalf but your name remains as the credit on the piece of work. Ghostwriting is typically used when the piece of work is written in first-person where the story relies on the unique perspective of the author. For example, a memoir, or a so-called 'real-life' story for a magazine, or an 'opinion piece' for a media publication.

'Copywriting' is also done by a professional writer, but it for a more general piece of writing which does not require the first-person perspective. For example a factual article for a website, a corporate brochure, a newsletter. A copywriter's skills are all about writing. A ghostwriter's skills also require emotional intelligence, astute listening and a neutral style so they can adopt the voice of the person for whom they are ghostwriting.


How is ghostwriting different to copywriting?

How much input do I have on a ghostwriter's words?

There is a wide range of involvement from a ghostwriter. Sometimes, they may write everything from scratch, from a verbal interview with the person they are writing for (the 'author'). Other times author, whose story it is, may like to write some notes, or even a draft themselves, and a ghostwriter will take this, make sense of it, and structure it in the most coherent way to tell the story. 

When I work with an author, I find some are better verbal communicators (in which case an interview works best), and some are better at written communication (in which case sending me notes - even if it's a stream of consciousness! - works best. A good ghostwriter will tailor the best form of communication for their client.

A ghostwriter will always send drafts to the author for input before it would be published.

It doesn't necessarily mean you are a bad writer if you need a ghostwriter. A professional writer will realise the maximum potential of your story or article idea. They have the skills and experience to develop a story arc, and to recognise what can be cut out or what needs expanding on to give the reader maximal understanding of your story.


I wrote a full explainer article on when and why to use a ghostwriter for Forbes, which you can read here.

Why would I use a ghostwriter?

Not comfortable handing the reins to another writer for your work, but still appreciate some guidance?

Consider my writing coaching service instead.

Case Studies and Testimonials

Media articles and website content

Chris Styles, a mathematician and founder of Human Futurology, devised a highly complex model for his numerology analysis. He didn't have the skills to explain his methodology in a way that his audience could easily understand.


Over six months I rewrote website content, contributor articles, like this one and media Q&As like this one.

Logo for Human Futurology business

"Helen helped us to simplify our complex mathematically modelled research results into an everyday language style that created much intrigue, resonated powerfully with our target audience both existing and new, and importantly, converted into business. Helen’s innovative communication approach created a quantum shift in our thinking in terms of how we talk about, and position, our business."

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